👩‍💻 Women in AI 🙌

Google Launches Gemini, Microsoft Launches EvoDiff, What's Next?

Reading time: 3 minutes 


Welcome to Building Blox, a newsletter dedicated to exploring the intersection of no-code and AI, and how they are transforming the world of startups. Our goal is to help you understand the power of no-code and AI and how they can be leveraged to build, scale, and grow successful startups. We believe that the future of entrepreneurship lies in the hands of those who can quickly and efficiently bring their ideas to life, and no-code and AI are key enablers of this vision.

Check out what we bring to you today 🚀.

⚙️Tool of the Day

MissJourney - an AI alternative that celebrates women+

AI image generators are currently showing to be quite biased. When asked to imagine professions or character descriptions, less than 20% of the images shown are women.

This is why MissJourney was created , an AI alternative that creates artwork of exclusively women. With the aim of actively countering current biased image generators and ensuring we build inclusive digital realities - right from the start.

MissJourney marks the start of the year-long TEDxAmsterdam Women theme; Decoding the Future.

* Disclaimer

MissJourney generates AI imagery featuring only women. While we recognize that true diversity goes beyond gender, MissJourney is being launched on International Women's Day to raise awareness about gender bias. Our aim is to inspire developers and creators to build fundamentally inclusive technology that enables users to generate imagery that is representative of society as a whole.

💰 Free Tools

Draw is an AI-powered tool that allows users to generate image-based sketches quickly and easily. With Draw, you can create sketches of various nature themes.

AI Storyboard Generator by Boords, a tool that allows you to create stunning storyboards in just minutes, without any drawing skills required.

The Open Interpreter project is a versatile AI tool that provides the capabilities of openAI chatGPT code interpreter offline and opensource.

📜 Fun Fact

Although AI is one of the most impactful technologies of our age, researchers said, “Globally, only 22 percent of AI professionals are female, as opposed to 39 percent across all STEM fields.”


📰 Google has given a small group of companies access to an early version of Gemini, its conversational artificial intelligence software

📰 Microsoft introduced a general-purpose framework, EvoDiff, that the company claims can generate “high-fidelity,” “diverse” proteins given a protein sequence.

📰 As Databricks stacks more capital, a competitive AI market heats up.

📰 Arm is after the IPO

💡 How To Create a WhatsApp Channel

  1. Open WhatsApp on your phone, and go to the Updates tab.

  2. Tap the + sign and select New channel.

  3. Tap Get Started and continue through the onscreen prompts.

  4. Add a channel name to finish creating your channel. You can choose to change the name again at any time.

  5. Customize your channel: You can choose to customize your channel now by adding a description and icon or do it later.

  • Add a channel description: Write a few words to help potential followers understand what your channel is about.

  • Add a channel icon: Add an image from your phone or the web to stand out.

  1. Tap Create channel, and you’re done!

😅 Test Your Knowledge
Correct Answer in the Next Edition 
What about you?

Share with us your favorite tool and how it helped you grow your business. This way we can schedule an interview and feature you in our upcoming newsletter!

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⌛ And that’s a wrap! See you soon folks

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